Original fixed wireless broadband air Interface for 10–66 GHz, Line-of-sight only, Point-to-Multi-Point applications.
802.16a (Jan-2003)
Extension for 2-11 GHz: Targeted for non-line-of-sight, Point-to-Multi-Point applications like "last mile" broadband access.
802.16d (Oct-2004)
Adds WiMAX System Profiles and Errata for 2-11 GHz. It is never existed as standaed and also known as 802.16-2004.
802.16e (Dec-2005)
MAC/PHY Enhancements to support subscribers moving at vehicular speeds.
802.16m (not yet standardized)
Path towards 4G. To provide datarate of 100Mbps for mobile and 1Gbps for fixed applications, includes Frequency overlay, Adhoc Frame Relay techniques to increase the system capacity and internet speed.
Data rates of 100 Mbit/s for mobile applications and 1 Gbit/s for fixed applications, cellular, macro and micro cell coverage, with currently no restrictions on the RF bandwidth (which is expected to be 20 MHz or higher). The proposed work plan would allow completion of the standard by Sept 2008 for approval by Dec 2008.
- provides better mobility
- low latency (during sleep mode to normal mode, handover etc..)
- channel bandwidth of 20 MHz, so better throughput and performence